
Our aim this year is to be more transparent about the development of Cassette. The below highlights how far we have come, and some of the exciting plans we have for the coming year.

Q4 | 2024

Whoaahhh... we're not quite there yet. Check back soon for more updates or find us on Discord to be the first to know.

Q3 | 2024

Fresh off the back of an updated app, new brand and some increasingly exciting functionality ideas - Cassette looks to potential revenue streams to solidify development into 2025.

Key Points
  •   Neo X discovery phase
  •   Design and test a desktop integration tool
  •   Explore a potential hardware prototype
  •   Updated integrated UI redesign

Q2 | 2024

We're excited to launch the next iteration of Cassette and have the potential to work on some exciting features.

Key Points
  •   Invite our Discord community to feedback on the latest update
  •   Cassette brand and website launch

Q1 | 2024

As 2024 gets going, our focus turns to releasing the next version of Greenfinch. But amidst all the work, we went one step further. Welcome to Cassette - our new name for Greenfinch. This quarter sees us launch a refreshed name, brand and website, and prototyping our next generation of ideas. A big year ahead.

Key Points
  •   New year, new name. Welcome to Cassette!
  •   WalletConnect development cont.
  •   Roadmap 2024 plan

Q3 + Q4 | 2023

As Greenfinch nears its third year in existence, a huge amount of work is taking place behind the scenes including a back-end refactor, exciting WalletConnect integration and a bold new brand.

Key Points
  •   Greenfinch turns 2!
  •   WalletConnect development
  •   Greenfinch brand refresh and new website development

Q2 | 2023

April was dominated by our time at Consensus 2023 in Austin, Texas. A perfect opportunity to meet potential users IRL, validate our assumptions and meet some of the dedicated heroes of the Neo community.

Key Points
  •   Consensus 2023 - Austin, TX
  •   'Beta' testing
  •   Greenfinch API goes live

Q1 | 2023

It's a rapid start to the quarter (and the year) with more pitching, more testing and an opportunity to push ourselves further with the help of a Neo EcoBoost.

Key Points
  •   Neo EcoBoost development cycle starts
  •   Closed 'Alpha' testing
  •   Web3 & Blockchain 'Plug and Play' Friday Pitch Session

Q4 | 2022

Greenfinch turns to pitching this quarter and an opportunity to test our assumptions about where we are as a startup and a potential business.

Key Points
  •   Greenfinch turns 1!
  •   Launch on Neo N3 MainNet
  •   DraperU x Neo Web3 Showcase
  •   Neo EcoBoost application

Q3 | 2022

In addition to the stipulated awards for Neo Polaris Launchpad Hackathon, Greenfinch embarked on a summer 'virtual' residency with other winners at Draper University.

Key Points
  •   DraperU x Neo Web3 Launchpad

Q2 | 2022

With our hackathon entry completed and submitted in May 2002, we were thrilled to be awarded 'Infrastructure' winner in the Neo Polaris Launchpad.

Key Points
  •   Neo Polaris Launchpad Hackathon
  •   Neo Polaris Launchpad winners announced

Q1 | 2022

After 3 months of designing and testing, we decided to enter the Neo Polaris Launchpad and submitted our planathon to develop Greenfinch into an actual product.

Key Points
  •   Neo Polaris Launchpad Planathon submitted and 1.5 multiplier awarded

Q4 | 2021

When it all began. One back-end prototype, no front-end. Huge potential.

Key Points
  •   Greenfinch is born...