Introducing Cassette logo

The new name for Greenfinch. Decentralized file storage you control. Built on the Neo.

Why Cassette?

The mixed tape, an emblem of personal expression and grassroots sharing in the 80s and 90s, symbolizes the dawn of decentralized data sharing.

Individuals curated and distributed music compilations on cassette tapes, bypassing traditional music distribution channels and creating personalized experiences. This physical act of sharing, inherently decentralized, foreshadowed the digital data distribution networks that would emerge later.

In parallel, the anarchistic ethos of the cipher punks of the same era laid the groundwork for what would become the bedrock of today's digital decentralization movements. Advocating for privacy, anonymity, and security in the digital realm through the use of cryptography, the cipher punks envisioned a world where individuals could communicate and transact without the oversight of central authorities. This philosophy directly influenced the development of decentralized money, most notably bitcoin, and the broader blockchain technology, which champions decentralization, transparency, and peer-to-peer exchanges.

Cassette, as a decentralized file-sharing platform, embodies this spirit of autonomy and innovation. It draws from the symbolic act of sharing mixtapes, integrating it with the digital ethos of decentralization heralded by the cipher punks, thereby contributing to the evolving narrative of data sovereignty and the democratization of content distribution in the blockchain era.

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